After creating my mega-sized blog post about Baycon, you might not think there’s anything left to say. I even sent my mother to the post when she asked how my trip went. However, in the days since the convention I’ve realized a few more things need to be added. The Wickeds seems to be selling […]
Baycon 2012
Con Report Baycon 2012
I had a great weekend attending panels in sunny California! The blog is in two sections, first is my personal experience. Panel names are in bold for easy skimming. Beneath that, section two contains general tips for conventions. My Experience All my panels went spectacularly. FRIDAY My first panel was the Character Slam Book. Emerian […]
Baycon Schedule

I promised you a listing of my Baycon schedule. I will be a guest participating in quite a few panels and readings. Official panel descriptions are in blue, and I’ve added my own notes after. Friday May 25, 2012 Character Slam Book Hands-on Activity (Camino Real at 5:30 PM) Emerian Rich will lead a class […]