Apparently I love to post when I have new images, and this month is no exception. Here’s another take on the Fractured Horizon book cover. Keep in mind, it’s a virtual book so the cover can be anything I want. How do you think this one compares?
Re-opening the Fractured Horizon Archive- Short stories coming up!
The universe of Fractured Horizon, populated by feisty genetically engineered Adams and ambitious mystic Royals, along with our struggling heroine Kay, has been sadly neglected recently. But I’m booting up my ancient laptop, pulling up the old folders, and sorting through it for a hidden gem. I need just a small idea for the Podioracket Presents-Glimpses anthology. This is the second anthology we’ve edited, and this one will be available in both audio and ebook formats.
I haven’t settled on what story I’ll contribute to the anthology. I have a lot of material already available, including scenes from the near future when Kay awakens, when she sees David in the future (oh please, that isn’t a spoiler, you have to have expected it!) and about the rift and Ants. Alternately, I could explore side-stories with some of the other characters. Want to hear more about the Adam encampment? A particular character’s history?
If you have a preference, speak up now!
New Horror Short- Shockingly out there
I’ve been working on short stories for the last year, and it has been very rewarding. I’ve gotten published, and I’ve expanded my range. The latest piece, which will air on for their Valentine’s Day special was a huge stretch. It’s a shocking tale, intended for mature audiences, and may not appeal to all listeners. Feel free to check out this graphic horror story, or wait and know that I’ve got more of the sci-fi that you love coming soon.

Cover for Stripping the Zipper by H.E. Roulo
Here’s the blurb: Stripping the Zipper is the tale of an everyday woman who submerges herself in a world of latex and hidden obsessions only to discover that once she sees beyond prescribed normality even she isn’t what she thought.
I asked Devlin Donnelly for a cover in the new, minimalist style he’s adopted, for Stripping the Zipper and he really delivered. I think it’s very stylish.
Reader Response
I had a few GREAT comments come in, and your interest in Fractured Horizon makes me turn my attention back to that project as well. Thanks so much for taking the time to come to the site and comment. This comment by Robin I’m going to quote in full because it makes me so happy:
Heather, I just finished reading/listening to Fractured Horizon. I have to give you MAJOR KUDOS!!!
I’m usually disappointed by Sci-Fi novels written by women…not sure why, mostly I just feel they’re not technical enough & perhaps a bit too ‘mushy.’ But NOT YOU.
I love, Love, LOVED this book!!! I AM very excited to see you are considering a sequel. I will be EAGERLY monitoring your sight watching for it!
Thanks for sharing Your Talent,
Oh Robin, that’s music to my ears! I wrote Fractured Horizon to please myself. There have been, and will be, more changes as I come to accept the market that I’m writing for. It has been suggested that I need more of the ‘mushy’ stuff so that the reader understands what motivates Kay on her journey. I happen to like sentiment, and I’ve written several short stories for romance anthologies, but I want to make sure that it is appropriate. Fractured Horizon is, first and foremost, a sci-fi adventure.
You guys rock! I’ll be bringing you more as soon as it is ready. Keep reading.
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I think those are fabulous covers. 😉