The Wickeds Anthology Now Available!

The Wickeds: A Wicked Women Writers Anthology (Volume 1) is now available in print on Amazon. It includes my contest winning short story Graveyard Shift (and Reshift). Here’s the release information from the publisher. The Wickeds A Wicked Women Writers Anthology (Volume 1) Available now at Edited by Hollie Snider presents thirteen horror […]

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May’s Done

I’m back from Baycon, my first real sci-fi and fantasy convention. I attended every panel on writing that I could find and joined in a small critique group where we exchanged very specific feedback. The result will be an appreciable improvement in my writing so I can’t be accused of going to the convention just to have fun (and […]

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April Scoop On All Things H.E. Roulo

Podioracket Presents-Visionaries My short story, Undergrowth, will be released on Podioracket Presents-Visionaries as story #15 in the anthology. The final story, #16, will be a new piece by Phil Rossi. Then the anthology is complete! Check it out at if you want to hear short stories by authors. I’m announcing it here first– there […]

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