Event in Seattle

Join horror authors Emerian Rich, Michele Roger, Heather Roulo, Crystal Connor, the host of Psychology in Seattle podcast’s Dr. Kirk Honda, actress/director Abe Eke, anthropologist and author Conrad Wesley Clough and author Joe Teeples for an evening of light appetizers, fancy soft drinks, robust conversation, trivia and prizes in a round table discussion of how and if our bedtime stories still […]

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New Publishing Deal – Plague Master through HorrorAddicts.net Press

I’m pleased to announce that my sci-fi/zombie Plague Master series will be released through  HorrorAddicts.net Press. A new edition of the first book, Plague Master: Sanctuary Dome is available on Amazon.com. The content is completely unchanged, though the book is a more squat and fat than the old print version. HorrorAddicts is excited about my books, […]

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Sparklyjemz Corner: Trevor’s Father

SparklyJemz Avatar looking at a rainbow

Hi! This is Sparklyjemz, the teenage writer, and I’m posting about the characters in Plague Master: Sanctuary Dome. I’ve been making SIMS characters with my interpretations of the characters. don’t forget to cheack the bottom of his picture to see my favorite quote!   We don’t get to see much of Trevor’s dad, um… what was his name?  I had no […]

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